
For Life & Family

supervised by Turtle Transformation

Everything starts within ourselves. We trust ourselves and follow our heart-mind. We are all able to take responsibility for ourselves and engage in contact or authentic exchange with ourselves, a family member or other people. Coming step by step we are at peace with ourselves, our environment and the world.

When we rest within ourselves and have our own clarity, then we can fulfill any dream, find relaxation in any situation and create new life models.
Through the Turtle Transformation process "from the inside out" we accompany families and individuals to ...

more clarity

more (life) joy

more resilience and inner strength

new life models

Live in harmony with yourself - Transformations Coaching

Personal coaching & advice

We look forward to walking part of your way with you. Dare to go from 'inside to outside'. A coaching that, if you want, confronts you directly with the heart of the matter. Everything lies within you and enables you to broaden your horizons.

45 - 60 minutes individual coaching

from 150€ for 45 min coaching

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Going new ways as a family - family transformation

Going new ways as a family - family transformation

We accompany you to your family dreams and show you possible ways how relaxation can reach you and your family.

1 x family zoom call, 2 x individual coaching and telegram group

from 700€ per month or from 3500€ for 6 months

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