
Miriam & Markus Schmidberger

An offering from Turtle Transformation


Our goal is an open, honest and authentic relationship with each other as a couple as well as with our children. That doesn’t work every day. We make mistakes and want to learn from them. Honest and constructive interaction with each other as a couple and with our children helps us.


linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/miriamschmidberger

I grew up as the eldest child in a large Bavarian family of six and have the classic educational path through high school, training to become a certified Tourism clerk, studied computer science and started and not finished doctorate.


My driving force is the vision of a “family as a cooperative community” in which everyone lives together voluntarily and it is comfortable for everyone. In addition, there is the dream that as a mother of several children I have my own life (e.g. my own job, my own travels, …) and this part of me also gets space.

I see my greatest challenge in finding this balance. Together with Markus, I had to realize that this only works if you actually pull together or if I have absolute clarity. Since we just didn’t have either of the two, I stopped working in 2014.

By then, I’ve also found professionally that the question “how do people work” is the one to explore in order to have high-performing teams that achieve their goals successfully and happily. My specialty was the collaboration between teams and management in software development. The decisive factor here is not the perfect method, but human interaction and how people treat each other. A software team needs the ability to recognize interpersonal issues and, if necessary, to use stabilizing measures. The ability can be distributed across the team or in the form of a person.

I have discovered the same for my own life. There is no one method that is right for every family. Each method has its own contribution to our lives. A family as a cooperative community and space for every family member is my vision. My family and I are learning and on the way there.

My areas of expertise are:

  • Clarity and vision for leaders and teams
  • Change processes in difficult times (preferably before the difficult times)
  • Find & go your own way
  • Emotions and shadow work
  • Children are your mirror & life without penalties
  • New life models for families
  • Building high-performing teams

My sources of inspiration (among others):

  • Mark Divine
  • Safi Nidiaye
  • Dr. Shefali
  • Brad Blanton
  • Alfie Kohn
  • Mike Hellwig
  • Klara McLaren
  • Nicola Schmidt
  • Bessel van der Kolk

My trainings:

Snowboard instructor, yoga instructor, Unbeatable Mind Coaching, kinesiology 3in1 (1 & 2), archetype work with Simone Frese, body-centered heart work, Scrum Master, Certified Cloud Professional, non-violent communication in the family, KOMKOM - Communication in marriage


linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/schmidberger/

I grew up as an only child in a Bavarian small family and have successfully mastered the classic educational path through high school, studying mathematics and doing a doctorate. After that, I advised international companies on all aspects of cloud and data strategy and managed data organizations with up to 60 employees from 2016 to 2022.


In 2002 I got to know Miriam and realized very quickly that Miriam gives me something I didn’t know before. With our wedding in March 2007, a long process of learning and exploring myself began:

  • I was allowed to learn to argue - something I hadn't known before
  • I have learned to recognize and deal with anger and aggression
  • And I found that there are many more feelings to discover.

In 2009 we had our first son Benjamin and in 2011 our second son Noah. That took us very quickly from being a couple to being a parent. In addition to my ongoing knowledge about myself, this has presented me with new challenges and thrown me off course a few times. The change from full-time to part-time (80%) gave me the space I needed to continue learning. I still work part-time today and was still able to make a career and today we have four kids.

The connection to Miriam and the feeling that she gives me something special has never been lost. Motivated by this positive enrichment in my life, I left the path of classical therapy in 2014 and explored a lot of new things through alternative therapies and seminars:

Markus LTC Family constellations, radical permission seminars, radical honesty seminars, nonviolent communication seminars, self-compassion workshops, heart work, … have helped me to be more conscious and authentic in life and to take responsibility for myself and my family.

I see my strength in always trying and breaking new ground. My inner driver is the longing for a balance between relationships with myself, my wife Miriam, my children and my work.

I have taken many stumbling blocks with me in the last 15 years. Today and in the future I would like to share my experiences with interested people and open their eyes to the many possibilities that we can take towards a better family life and more efficient & human-centric working environments.

My areas of expertise:

  • Human-centric and outcome oriented leadership
  • Cloud and Big Data Technologies & Strategies
  • Management of software development departments
  • Building efficient organizational structures and platforms
  • Clarity and efficiency for leaders, parents and men
  • Clarity and vision for men of the new age
  • Life without school / Un-schooling
  • Emigrate from Germany & live stateless
  • New life models for families

My sources of inspiration (among others):

  • Jaspaar Juul
  • Veit Lindau
  • Mike Hellwig
  • Werner Vogles

My trainings:

DSV snowboard instructor, scrum master, AWS professional solution architect, family constellations, radical permission, radical honesty, non-violent communication, self-compassion, body-centered heart work, mindfulness training, KOMKOM - communication in marriage, Life Trust Coach certified Veit Lindau

Our path to Turtle Transformation

We, Miriam and Markus, already worked together successfully in 2008 and introduced a new content management system as a mini-team for the medical faculty of the LMU Munich (120 websites). At that time we recognized that our common strengths lie in process optimization and efficiency and clarity.

Familien-Transformation Stimulated by conversations with friends, the idea came up in 2019 to organize seminars for families for more ease in life and for the realization of life dreams. Finding the innermost needs of every family was the focus and we started the “Family Transformation” project.

NewWork-Transformation Through Markus’ career, we became aware relatively at the same time as the “Family Transformation” project that through our mutual exchange and Miriam’s coaching, we have created a working atmosphere in Markus’ teams that leads to high efficiency, human work processes and a high level of structure and success. Here, too, we felt the need to share this knowledge and experience with other people and companies. The “New Work Transformation” project was born.

2020 and 2021 were marked by COVID-19 and a lot of reflection time. It has become increasingly evident that the success of both projects is based on our “Inside Out” approach and is therefore closely linked. So we founded our own consulting and coaching company “Turtle Transformation” in 2021.

More about us

Traveling without school - How can a family with children combine work and education?

We talked to Alexandra from Learn Allover about what our life looks like outside of the traditional German school system (interview is in German).


In the staatlos.ch podcast, Juliana Fragato interviewed us and it’s about change from the inside out as a family of 6 (interview is in German).

