Nearly three months of high intensity 1:1 training aiming for real change inside you.
VIDEO - coming soon
The members of the 66 Days of Change Team are PEACEFUL WARRIORS. They seek peace within themselves and with the world and repeatedly choose peace-making words and deeds for their path. They have a clear vision and are flexible in the course of their journey. For this time(and beyond), that person is you.
As part of the 66 Days of Change Team, I stand for seeing my life as my responsibility.
I stand for taking good care of myself. That means I take the time to take care of myself, to communicate with myself in a loving and accepting way, to perceive my needs and to respond to them.
I train every day. I’m radically honest with myself. I am truly seeing. I feel all my feelings and get to know them with an open and curious mind. I respect my body. That means I pay attention to how it is doing, I give it nutritious food that suits it, I give it enough sleep, exercise and rest.
I develop myself by getting to know myself honestly: I ask myself who I am, what inspires me, what is important to me and what I need to be at peace with myself and the world.
Miriam is Change Angle and Performance Coach. Miriam combines inner work and personality development with scientific down-to-earthness. With a variety of intuitive tools, she can be your fast track guide to a powerful leader role within your life and business.