A 6 weeks course where you start with yourself and strengthen your empathetic leadership skills. Start your next step in your leadership skills career and increase efficiency by empathy. At this course you will get …
more empathic leadership tools
better connection to yourself
a kickstart for more efficiency and happiness within your team
6 weeks transformation guidance and tips & tricks
2 x 3h workshop
4 personal coachings
buddy system for your daily change
only 6 participants
76% of people who experienced empathy from their leaders reported they feel engaged.
When people felt their leaders were more empathetic, 86% reported they feel able to navigate the demands of their work and life.
all numbers following research by Forbes
Any person leading a team: C-Level, VP, director, manager, team leader
When people reported their leaders were empathetic, they were more likely to report they were able to be innovative — 61% of employees.
57% of white women and 62% of women of color said they were unlikely to think of leaving their companies when they felt their life circumstances were respected and valued by their companies.
all numbers following research by Forbes
Empathy is a big new buzzword in leadership. It is the link between managers and employees. Unfortunately, true empathy only comes from connecting with and empathizing with yourself. This 6 week empathy kickstart includes 3 weeks of personal development and personal immersion in your values, emotions and behaviours as well as tools to deal with yourself. The other 3 weeks we focus on tools and methods to lead through empathy.
Miriam is a Change Angle and Performance Coach. Miriam combines inner work and personality development with scientific down-to-earthness. With a variety of intuitive tools, it can be your fast track to a powerful relationship with your fear.
Markus is a Transformation and Leadership coach. He is an expert in leading high-performance teams and combines the power of human centricity, technology, strategy and processes.
6 weeks online course where you start with yourself and strengthen your empathetic leadership skills.
There are only 6 places available. Apply now by sending us a short description about your current leadership situation and your motivation to become a human-oriented leader.
6 weeks online course where you start with yourself and strengthen your empathetic leadership skills.
Apply now by sending us a short description about your current leadership situation and your motivation to become a human-oriented leader.
We offer the "Kickstart your Empathic Leadership" training as an onsite training within your company as well. We can run the training for a group (5-10 people) of your leaders within your office or in any nice offsite location.
We offer this package with an agenda optimized for your setup. We guide and support your group over 6 weeks via a moderated online community (in best case as part of one of your internal communication tools, e.g. Slack)
Accelerate your personal and leadership journey by combining the "Who are you, fear" training with the "Kickstart your Empathic Leadership" training. Two courses that go very well together and by using your fear as a teacher and guide your empathic leadership skills will grow exponentially.
This package contains both courses which take place in 2023: 3500 Euros in online group
or personal online for 7250 Euros